Camden Extension Connections: June 2024

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Tell Me Something Good

4-H Awards Night

4-H Awards Ceremony

The 2024 4-H Award Ceremony was a big hit as we gathered together to recognize our outstanding 4-Hers! We celebrated the achievements of 44 students that participated in club and community activities.

Special Awards were given to:
Camden County 4-H Ribbon Chasers Club Members: Abby Poirrier- 4-H Leadership Award, Ellie Overstreet- 4-H Achievement Award, and Kiersten Poirrier- 4-H MVP Award.
Reaching for the Stars 4-H Club Members: Molleigh Doran 4-H Leadership Award, Cora Colson- 4-H Achievement Award
Art 101- The Golden Paintbrush Award: Autumn Woods-Bintliff, Skylar Peele and Ariel White
We are so proud of all of our clubbers who are learning valuable life skills and contributing to their community as they become tomorrow’s leaders.

Upcoming Events

2024 Summer Fun

We still have space available for Kayaking Adventures and Olympic Field Day. For more information visit:

Kayaking Adventures Olympic Field Day

4-H Chicken & Rabbit Show

Participate in our first 4-H Chicken and Rabbit Show. Read more at:

Hop and Crow Chicken and Rabbit Show

2024 EGG-cellent Egg Contest

Do you have a flock of chickens that are currently laying eggs? Then this may be for you! Register today at:

This contest is for 4-H members with a flock of chickens that are currently laying eggs. If you are not an active 4-H member, contact your county agent to get enrolled.
Participants may submit up to 2 sets of 6 (half dozen) eggs in different categories, which will be judged for uniformity and both exterior and interior quality.
Participants must attend two mandatory Zoom trainings and complete supplemental project components based on their age which is part of their final score.

Egg-cellent Egg Contest

Chicken Butchery Class

Discover the Art of Chicken Butchery

Are you ready to elevate your culinary skills to the next level? Join N.C. Cooperative Extension for an exhilarating Chicken Butchery Class on June 26th from 1 to 3 p.m. You’ll gain the insider knowledge and hands-on experience needed to master the art of chicken butchery like a pro. This FREE workshop will guide you through every step of the process, from selecting the perfect bird to precision cutting techniques. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to take your cooking skills to new heights! Register online via Eventbrite

2024 Northeast Ag Expo Summer Field Day

Northeast Ag Expo Summer Field Day - July 25, 2024

This year’s field day will be held on July 25 at TBS Farms, 1178 Lake Road, Hertford, NC. Register online at: